Thursday, May 27, 2010


My poor Whitey has to take antibiotics and change her diet due to kidney disease. She's always the life of the party, so it's really sad seeing her all weak and miserable these days. Plus, she hates me for those discusting drops I have to give her. :( Hopefully after the meds are over, she'll be back to her annoying, lively self.

"I'm siiiick."

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Feeling nostalgic again...

I am finally finally finally getting my 2009 Estonia/Turkey/Barcelona photos developed. I'll get them in the mail this week, although assuming the promptness of the company's delivery services doesn't match their cheap prices (9 cents a copy!), I will be waiting a little while longer.
I was looking through my hard drive for more pics to develop and I then came across these clips...

(At the Laulupidu last June).

la la lalalallaaaaaaaaaa

Friday, May 7, 2010

A medley de cinema française...

And here is my favorite scene from The 400 Blows. This is probably one of my favorite scenes of all time.

C'est officiel!

Je serai là en Juillet!

Mm Mm! OUI!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


The grey whale in False Creek today! My co-workers and I were pulled out of work this afternoon to go check out this lost whale. How rare and wonderful it was!
At first it was a matter of hurry up and wait. We biked as fast as we could to a point just by the Cambie st. bridge and sat in the grass for a good 10 minutes before witnessing it coming up for air. Once it started moving out into English Bay though, everyone scrambled for their cameras or jumped on our bikes to chase the whale, hoping for another glimpse.
Just past the bridge, my co-worker Dan and I were biking on the seawall and all of a sudden it was there! It was RIGHT THERE! I could see it's back, all barnacle-y and grey and the spouting of water from it's blow hole.
I can't help but sound corny here, but at that moment I felt overwhelmed, humbled yet high and alive all at the same time. And of course, fortunate. So freaking lucky I got to be there and witness this cool thing.

I'm no fan of hockey. I liked how the gold medal game this February brought together all sorts of Canadians, and gave us a sense of absolute unity for a couple hours. Although, in most cases, hockey brings together obnoxious drunk idiots (mostly among males of the 19-30 age range). ...I dunno, it's just not my sport. While everyone (minus me) in my family got to share a sense of unity while watching the game tonight, I got to experience a similar unity during that 30 minutes of all of us silently anticipating a sighting, or waiting for the great big beauty of a whale to say 'hi.'

Photo: Vancouver Sun

Monday, May 3, 2010


Had the girls over for dinner on Thursday last week, Here are a few pics!

Danica scared of a bee

Here we are calling our beloved Hannah in Montreal.

Hannah's in Montreal living there and going to grad school in Sept. And in a few days, Carmella will be embarking on a bike trip across Canada! Literally to the very Eastern shores of Newfoundland, where she'll go to grad school. I'm going to miss that girl terribly! I hope I become rich soon and buy a ticket to see her. xoxox Safe travels Carmelita!


About Me

My photo
Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain
No, I didn't come to Barcelona because of THAT movie. (although it did fuel my obsession with this city, slightly). First time living away from home, away from Canada... Thinking it's gonna be an adventure. I want to share my ups and downs with you during my European get away, so enjoy. :)