After a rather horrible experience being late for my train in Bath, I eventually made it to Birmingham where my lovely cousin Sarah and her dad Alan were there to pick me up! The week that I spent with them, mainly consisted of eating and laughing. A feast awaited me at their house where all my cousins from this part of the family were there on that first evening (see picture below of Sarah and I stuffing our faces with cheese cake).
Sarah also managed to get me an extra ticket to see a La Roux concert! That woman is amazing live. Then afterwards, Sarah and her girlfriends and I went out on the town. The town was dead (Wednesday night), but we managed to have a great time dancing and I had my first end of the night cheesy chip/curry chip experience before heading back in the cab.
Being awesome at a bar:
At La Roux:
Another carb-y delight awaited me at the Annual German Market in the centre of Birmingham, a VWEINER!!! :)
At the German market:
S and her mom, Hilly took me to this wonderful festivity one night where we had hot dogs with delicious mulled wine and had a carosel ride.
On my last day, my lovely Auntie Hilly (more 2nd cousin I guess...) took me out for cappuccinos and gigantic slices of cake nearby and a walk through this beautiful park in Sutton, where we got the chance to chat and enjoy the much appreciated sun. That night we went to see S's bro, my other cousin, Robbie's performance at this fancy hotel. Him and his act blew me away. What talent, and shall I put it bluntly, what BALLS! To get up there, sing and dance in sequins for a crowd of crabby, half-dead group of senior citizens (p.s i was nearly run over by a speedy guy on his wheelchair en route to the WC) on a nightly basis, takes some, or at least perseverance, especially when you know you've got more than enough talent to do something better. Well it was great. He's a real performer and people loved him, plus I got a shout out! (and an applause from the audience for coming all the way from Canada! haaha).
Robbie "the show-stopper" Holland:
In the hotel:
A real highlight was being able to spend a day shopping with my Auntie Vera (she's my dad's aunt). She is one inspiring person. She is 84 and still dancing every weekend with her "just friend" (boyfriend) at the local jiving club for seniors. She volunteers at the local hospital, she cares for her family, her friends, complete strangers and is just a ray of sunshine, despite the pain she's had to deal with in life. Why can't people her age (heck, ANY age) be as wonderful? I hope I can get to that age and still be as happy and optimistic as I am at 22. Plus, she's got a hilarious way of making a rather raunchy and totally inappropriate story sound, dare I say, classy? Haha... some of the things that come out of that mouth... Shocking!
I miss these guys and wish I could see them more.
The ladies out for lunch (Tiffy, Vera, Me, Hilly)
The park:
sweet times, Jess!
ReplyDeletethat park is so gorgeous- so english!