Sunday, November 8, 2009


Barcelona. My home for the last 8 or so months.
I spent my last couple of days in this city revisiting my favorite places, dining with good friends... I can't really put into words how special these people are and how they really made my stay. And I've never felt really capable of accurately expressing how I feel through writing. So I'll leave it to my next blog, when I am actually on my laptop and able to upload photos to show you what I mean.

But now I'm in the UK! Jolly, damp and gray. :) But It's great. Tiina (my mother's cousin) and Mike picked me up from Gatwick last night and we drove back to theirs in Lewes, where I am staying now (during the drive we saw fireworks off in the distance, in celebration of Guy Forks?). Spent the morning chatting, eating breakfast and chilling out, which is just what I needed after the hectic week of packing and last minute rush-abouts. Tonight we're going to see Julie and Julia at the local hall! Then tomorrow Tiina and I are going to London for the day! Excited about that.

Had my first taste of marmelade today in almost 9 months. It was amazing. haha
Anyways, looking forward to the next month or so hanging out with cousins and revisiting places, as well as checking out art schools. Hopefully I'll be inspired to go to one of these schools one day.

And I'll post up pics on my next post. Not really feeling like a big juicy blog entry today. I'd rather go run through the hills with Rupert (the McBride's king charles spaniel) in the rain! (Rain from England is way more fun than rain from Vancouver). haha ...and rain from Barcelona, is well, rather scary, it would be very likely that one could be carried off in a flood of it down the Ramblas in attempt to have an afternoon stroll.

1 comment:

  1. yayyyy say hi to the fam for me! I'm glad you're having a great time- I wish I was there with you instead of being bogged down by homework here..have fun at Julie & Julia!

    love you

    p.s. guy fawkes you mean? :)



About Me

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Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain
No, I didn't come to Barcelona because of THAT movie. (although it did fuel my obsession with this city, slightly). First time living away from home, away from Canada... Thinking it's gonna be an adventure. I want to share my ups and downs with you during my European get away, so enjoy. :)