Remember the one? The main VPL Branch on the Northeast corner of Robson and Burrard? I just have this one very faint memory of the place... the check-out. I remember the big metal slide type things that the librarians would slide the books down after you'd sign them out, like in a grocery store. Is that just my made-up memory, a dream, or were those real? I just remember thinking, "can I slide down those slides too? why can't I slide down those slides?!"
I tried to find some old archived photos of the heritage building before Virgin Megastore/Planet Hollywood (now HMV and BangOn) plunked down. No dice. If anyone finds anything, please send them over! Not urgent, but feeling rather sentimental tonight.
It's funny how these random memories pop up, and what's even cooler is how far back they go!
Like fudgicles, red licorish rope, smarties, or apple juice in a plastic cup with a peel-off lid from the old Stanley Park restaurant. Or like the nautical theme of the old Eaton's restaurant, or the waterfall store at Lionmarket...
Here's a flickr site I came across tonight that gave me some interesting facts on the old building...
Those were the days! Eww Oak panels and orange. Don't miss that.

or flinstones push-up ice cream! :)