The place in your head when you discover something new.
While waiting for stupido (but my new favorite show) Dexter to load up on Megavideo, I did some research on schools. I had been looking at the film program at Dundee when my internet went bonkers and crashed. FFFFfff! I was so close to loading the last part of the episode that I had missed the other night because of my crummy internet problem, and then it shut down AGAIN! And, I was engrossed in the program guide that I was reading. Bah. Time for bed.
Then I had the wildest dream that I was like that girl in West Side Story, the one that wants to be one of the guys, in the Jets? Or was it the sharks? whatever, anyway I was looking for something and then I nearly fell off the metro platform and then I woke up. righhtt...
I think it had to do with the fact that I had seen a very cool exhibit in the CCCB yesterday. http://www.cccb.org/ca/
It was about this film movement that was going on here in Spain between '78 and '85 called "Quinqui Cinema." They had rooms with the old posters, newspaper clippings, film stills and clips from movies such as, "Colegas", "Perros Callejeros", "Deprisa, Deprisa" to name a few. Sorry if you guys already know about this, but I just discovered it for myself and boy, ¡tan chulo! It's like a combo of Blaxploitation and Nouvelle vague, en EspaƱol! A mix of juvenile delinquents, arcade culture, drugs, sex, friendship and the reality of unemployment, poverty and lack of education during post-Franco Spain.
Don't worry dad, I don't do this here...
If some of you guys know of any sites or places I can rent these movies, please let me know! I haven't been very lucky in finding anything online tonight.
what's up with that dude's abs in the second pic??! lol not to judge or anything, but they look really deformed!!