I finally FINALLY got to the correct police station to apply for my N.I.E card (essentially a card with a tax number on it for foreigners in Spain). But this number I also need to apply for this cool thing in Barcelona called, "Bicing." It's basically a bike rental systerm for the citizens of Barcelona. You pay 30 euros per year and a small small amount (maybe 1 euro?) per time you use the bike (you pay a lot more if your ride exceeds 30 minutes I hear). There are hundreds of Bicing stations in Barcelona with bikes for people to use. It's perfect for the times when you want to bike down to the beach and not wanting to share the stinking hot metro with stinking hot Catalans. So I applied for this Bicing account, and with success! I got an email from them last night confirming the transaction "Benvingut al Bicing!" (haha sounds like a drunk Spaniard person trying to type in French). And now I have 10 business days to wait for my scan card. YAY! Haha, so I am happy.
Another reason why I am happy, I got a package in the mail from my family two nights ago. Includes: white sport tape (for messed up knee), mouthguard, glasses (short-sighted), coffee crisp, aero (mint), little tripod, step counter and my sister has generously lent me her earphones (since mine broke 20 minutes before departure, back in Vancouver!). Weeee I'm such a dork (mouthguard, glasthes and sthtep counter! "Nyuuk Nyukk!").
bicing is free for the first 30 minutes and then it costs a little bit (30 or 50 cent) and after 2 hours you get a fine.
ReplyDeletehave fun here in Barcelona
yaya! bicing!!
ReplyDeletebut, I bet you could buy a beautiful and badass bicycle in barcelona at a bargain and bring it back to bancouver.
!! yaya! bikebikebike!
ps: tell me about sitges in an email sometime.